- Manufactured in
- Houston, Texas
- Storage shelf life
- 365 days Dry
- Retail shelf life
- 365 days Dry
Dealcoholized Red Wine, Grape Juice Concentrate, Potassium Carbonate, Natural Flavors. Contains Sulfates
By the Glass: 30 Calories with only 4 grams of sugar
For almost a decade, we’ve been on a relentless mission to develop a non-alcoholic wine that rivals its alcoholic counterpart. Year after year, we tasted virtually every non-alcoholic wine on the market and found them to be not just bad, but frankly “awful.”
But this year, we had a breakthrough! A revolutionary spinning cone dealcoholizing technique emerged, preserving the delicate aromas and flavors of the grapes. This allowed us to source grapes from Napa Valley’s esteemed vineyards and craft a non-alcoholic wine that’s not only good but downright delicious.
Introduce your customers to a sophisticated, non-alcoholic, and THC-free wine that doesn't compromise on flavor. Each bottle includes an optional, removable hang tag that offers an exclusive direct-to-consumer discount on the additional liquid THC additive. This way, you provide your customers access without carrying a THC product in your store.