“Organic Food From The Planet To The People” was our mission statement
back in the late 90s, when we created a brand new category.
Organic Food Bar™ products were the first certified organic, raw, vegan,
gluten-free, and kosher whole food bars on the market. Created for extreme
athletes and everyday people, Organic Food Bar™ was designed to combine
earth's most nutritionally dense super food ingredients in one portable,
life-sustaining package. Organic Food Bar products are made in an all Solar
Powered Facility that is third-party cGMP certified, HAACP compliant,
Organic certified, Gluten Free, Kosher certified, and Non GMO.
Organic Food Bar™ winner of the best bar award from Men’sHealth magazine 2013 and Top Gear Award 2010. Organic Food Bar products are “Nutrition as
Nature Intended,” and we have maintained uncompromised product integrity over the years.