At Zentopia, we believe that a great CBD product should taste as good as it makes you feel. That's why we pack all the natural enhancing benefits of 50 mg of CBD into a guilt-free drink that has both flavor and function. Not to mention, ZERO THC, so you don't need to worry about that pesky drug test!
Zentopia's family of Seltzers (zero calorie/zero sugar), Teas (low calorie/150 mg of caffeine), and Lemonades (low calorie/low sugar), provide an array of options to satisfy how you feel. Are you looking to BOOST UP with Jitter-free focused energy? Grab one of our teas! Maybe you're looking to CHILL OUT? Snatch up one of our stress-busting sparkling waters and wind down. Either way, we've go you covered. Our beverages taste so good, you can feel it!